
Remington Dunlap

Hey guys! Welcome to the new and revamped site! Hopefully this isn’t the first or last time you’ll be visiting. I wanted to give a little biography of myself so you’d know a little about the guy behind the website.

I’m a 31 year old guy from a small town in southwest Arkansas that grew up in northeast Texas. I spent several years in various colleges in northeast Texas and central Arkansas and acquired my bachelor’s degree in nursing. Finally I was able to get a professional job and start making a living. After around a year and a half I decided to leave the Ark-La-Tex area and start doing some travel nursing.

After I started travel nursing I realized with only working 3 days/nights a week I have a lot of time on my hands to learn other things and ways to invest in myself. I read at least 1-2 hours a day. I’ve also finished a few courses and read several books on sales, social media marketing, SEO, web design, stock market investing, cryptocurrency, day trading, real estate, taxes, credit, and I’m constantly finding new things to study and learn. I have always been highly curious and Benjamin Franklin said, “With curiosity, it has to take a lot of work to remain ignorant.”

I also realized that I could meet my financial goals and still have something to help give back to others. In 2017 I started the Dream Big Scholarship. In all, I’ve helped 4 students with a combined amount of $4,800 towards college education. This is by far the thing that I’m most proud of starting. Over the next few years, I’d like to be able to help many more students with college tuition since it is so expensive for our generation.
